Clark University, Ph.D., Geography

Dissertation: “Domino in the Longue Durée: Racial Capitalism and the Urban Question”

Committee: Asha Best, Mark Davidson, Mona Domosh, Deborah Martin, Rashad Shabazz

Clark University, M.A., Geography, 2022                       

CUNY Graduate Center, Coursework in American Studies, 2018-19

Hunter College, M.S., Urban Policy & Planning, 2018  

Smith College, B.A., Government, 2008, cum laude


2024. “Towards a Black Atlantic Urbanism.” Environmental Histories of the Black Atlantic World (Eds. Oscar De La Torre and Thaïsa Way). Dumbarton Oaks Garden & Landscape Studies Symposium Series, Harvard University Press (Accepted with minor revisions).

2023. “’Bodies in Transit’: Speculation and biopolitics in nineteenth-century New York City.” American Quarterly 75:1, 1-26.

2018. “‘Business as Usual’ or ‘Just Business’? A critical comparison of urban industrial rezonings.” Middle States Geographer 51, 21-32.


“Critical visuality: Discipline, legibility and form in the archive” (journal article, in preparation for submission)

“Mapping the ‘spade work’ of social justice: Black geographies and the cultural landscapes of the Civil Rights movement in Washington, D.C.” (public-facing writing, Urban Heritage Project/National Park Service)


2024    Terry G. Jordan-Bychkov Paper Award, Cultural Geography Specialty Group, American Association of Geographers

2022    Pruser Dissertation Enhancement Award, Clark University Graduate School

2022    Graduate Student Skills Training Award, Clark University Graduate Student Council

2022    Andrew Hill Clark Award for Best PhD Student Paper, Historical Geography Specialty Group, American Association of Geographers

2020    Pre-dissertation Research Fellowship, Clark University Graduate School

2019   Graduate Student Fellowship, Clark University Graduate School

2019    Altfest Graduate Fellowship Award, CUNY Graduate Center

2019    Masters of Liberal Studies Summer Fellowship Award, CUNY Graduate Center

2019    Paul LeClerc Competition for Best Research Paper, Hunter College

2019    Conference Travel Award, American Association of Geographers

2018    Conference Travel Award, CUNY Graduate Center Master’s Programs

2018    Award for Best Graduate Student Paper, American Association of Geographers Middle States Division

2018    Certificate for Academic Excellence, Hunter College Graduate School

2008    Deutsche Ehrenverbindung (Delta Phi Alpha), Smith College

2004    Mary Maples Dunn Merit Scholarship, Smith College  


2023-2025  Editorial and Research Fellow, the Lindy Institute, Drexel University

2024    Research Fellow, University of Pennsylvania Weitzman School of Design, Department of Historic Preservation/National Parks Service

2023    Speaker, Dumbarton Oaks Symposium in Garden and Landscape Studies: Environmental Histories of the Black Atlantic

2023    Research Fellow, Brooklyn Waterfront Research Center

2023    Research Fellow, University of Pennsylvania Weitzman School of Design, Center for the Preservation of Civil Rights Sites

2022    Invited Participant, Futures of American Studies Summer Institute, Dartmouth College

2020    Historian-in-Residence, Brooklyn Waterfront Research Center


2023    “From Surplus to Scarcity: Restaurant Labor along the Brooklyn Waterfront, 2020-2023,” Brooklyn Waterfront Research Center (virtual)

2023    “The spatial fix in the Black Atlantic: the structuring contradiction of the Haitian Revolution and Brooklyn’s industrial landscape,” Dumbarton Oaks Garden and Landscape Symposium, Washington, D.C.

2023    “The Black Atlantic & Urban History,”Urban Humanities (Un)Conference, Tuscon, AZ

2018    “An Economic Geography of the Lower East Side,” Invited Class Lecture: Neighborhood and Community Development, Barnard College


2024    “Relational Comparison in the Black Atlantic,” Royal Geographic Society, London.

2024    “Jumping Scale in the Black Atlantic,” American Association of Geographers, Honolulu, HI.

            - Session organizer, “Scale, method, form: narrating the Black geographic.”

            - Awarded Terry G. Jordan-Bychkov Award (Cultural Geography Specialty Group)

2023    “Industrial Urban Landscapes and the Absent Presence of Slavery,” The Urban History Association Conference, Pittsburgh, PA

2023    “Black Geographies and the spatial fix: the structuring contradiction of the Haitian Revolution,” American Association of Geographers, Denver, CO.

            - Session organizer, “Urban Histories and Black Spatial Imaginaries.”

2022    “Domino in the Longue Durée: Racial Capitalism & the Urban Question,” Futures of American Studies Summer Institute, Hanover, NH

2022    “’Bodies in Transit’: Speculation and the Biopolitical Imaginary,” American Association of Geographers, Virtual.

            - Awarded Andrew Hill Clark prize (Historical Geography Specialty Group)

2019    “Crisis, coercion, and quiescence: revisiting pension fund negotiations during the 1975 Fiscal Crisis,” Urban Affairs Association, Los Angeles, CA.

2019    “‘Business as Usual’ or ‘Just Business’? A Critical Comparison of Industrial Rezonings,” American Association of Geographers, Washington, D.C.

2018    “‘Business as Usual’ or ‘Just Business’? A Critical Comparison of Industrial Rezonings,” American Association of Geographers Middle States Division, Montclair,

            - Awarded Best Graduate Student Paper (American Association of Geographers Middle States Division)


Graduate Teaching Fellow, Clark University

Fall 2019        Introduction to Economic Geography (Teaching Assistant)

Spring 2020   Introduction to Research Design and Methods (Discussion Section Leader)

Fall 2020        Gender & Environment (Discussion Section Leader)

Spring 2021   Global Change, Regional Challenges (Teaching Assistant)


Spring 2023   Research Assistant, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA

2018-2019       Policy Researcher, MIT Community Innovators Lab, Bronx, NY

2017- 2018      Research Assistant, Urban Manufacturing Alliance, Brooklyn, NY

2007-2008       Research Assistant, Smith College, Department of American Studies, Northampton, MA


2023. Police and the Empire City: Race and the Origins of Modern Policing in New York, by Matthew Guariglia, Duke University Press, 208 pages. The Gotham Center for New York City History.

2023. Grand Emporium, Mercantile Monster: The Antebellum South’s Love-Hate Affair with New York City, by Ritchie Devon Watson, Jr., Louisiana State University Press, 264 pages. The Gotham Center for New York City History.

2023. Bound by Bondage: Slavery and the Creation of a Northern Gentry, by Nicole Saffold Maskiell, Cornell University Press, 2022, 306 pages. The Gotham Center for New York City History

2022. Site-seeing aesthetics: California sojourns in five installations, by Lene Johannessen, Leiden, Brill Rodopi, 2021, 176 pages. Journal of Cultural Geography 39:3, 422-423.

2022. Reconstructing the Landscapes of Slavery: A Visual History of the Plantation in the Nineteenth-Century Atlantic World, Dale W. Tomich, Reinaldo Funes Monzote, Carlos Venegas Fornias, Rafael de Bivar Marquese (Eds.), University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill (2021), 176 pages. Journal of Historical Geography 75:1, 69-70.

2021. “A Social History of Creative Work: Shannan Clark’s The Making of the American Creative Class.” The Gotham Center for New York City History.

2019. Capital City: Gentrification and the Real Estate State by Samuel Stein. The Advocate.


2023. UAR Remixed: A companion podcast to Urban Affairs Review. Lead writer & producer.

2023. “From Surplus to Scarcity: Restaurant Labor along the Brooklyn Waterfront, 2020-2023.” Brooklyn Waterfront Research Center.

2022. “Recover and Remix: Digital Humanities, Heritage Preservation, and Black Geographies.” University of Pennsylvania Center for the Preservation of Civil Rights Sites.

2021. “From Brooklyn to ‘Brooklyn’: The Cultural Transformation of Leisure, Pleasure, and Taste.” Brooklyn Waterfront Research Center.

2019. “Fixing the Accessibility Gap in Municipal Procurement.” Metropolitics.

2019. “What Comes Next? Building on the Momentum of the Amazon Fiasco.” The Advocate.

2018. “All in ‘a day’s work’: a feminist exploration of economic democracy in the Bronx,” MIT’s CoLab Radio.


2023    Peer Reviewer, American Quarterly

Editor, The Gotham Center for New York City History Blog

            Associate Managing Editor, Urban Affairs Review

2020    Table Reader, AP Exam in Human Geography, College Board

2019    Undergraduate Studies Committee, Clark University

Professional Development Workshop Committee, Clark University

2018    Managing Editor, The Advocate, CUNY Graduate Center

2017    Content Editor, Urban Review, Hunter College 


American Association of Geographers

American Studies Association

Urban History Association